Narrative Text: Gisella and The Salt
Ini adalah contoh Narrative text . Karya : Astri Sifa Yuniarti & Agata Kuartanti Febriana. Sebenarnya ini adalah tugas kelompok Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris di kelas X MIA 2. Berhubung tugas tersebut sudah dikumpulkan, kami dengan senang hati membaginya dengan kalian. Mungkin ada yang sedang butuh nih... Sudah ada contoh pertanyaannya juga loh xD Monggo dibaca, dicermati, dipahami, diresapi, dan dijawab pertanyaannya... LET'S READ MY BELOVED FRIENDS!!! Gisella and The Salt Sumber foto: In a castle, lived a princess named Gisella. She had three servants who really respect her. And she loved them like her best friend. One day, Gisella asked the three servants to have breakfast with her. While they were eating, Gisella give a question for them. "My dear... I want to know, how's kind your love to me? Can you describe it?'' said Gisella. The three servants l...